Convert PDF to Image

Convert PDF to Image

Hello all,

This article lets you get introduced with a python library that converts pdf to images.

pdf2image library converts the PDF file to a PIL image.

pip install pdf2image

Please follow this link to install poppler based on your OS. Poppler is a library to render PDF files.

I have a taken a free sample pdf available to use from online.

You will be using convert_from_path() from pdf2image library.

from pdf2image import convert_from_path()

Now just pass the url of your pdf file into convert_from_path() and store the images into a list.

pdf_images = convert_from_path('/Users/..../sample.pdf')

You can save the images with filenames that you want using save().

for i in range(len(pdf_images)):
    image_name = str(i+1) + '.jpg'
    image_name[i].save(image_name, 'JPEG')

JPEG is the format in which you want the file to be saved. Below is a sample output where you can see different image files saved from the pdf file I used.

Screenshot 2021-01-22 at 11.31.36 AM.png

You can explore other functionalities like changing the dpi and size of images and many more.

Try this out guys. It's going to be fun. I would appreciate your feedbacks. See you all in the next article.